Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  



Avoiding the Lines

New! Reserve your day pass or campsite online.

There’s a downside to the great news that people are spending more time in nature: it has become more challenging to get into a popular state park or to arrive early enough on a busy weekend to find the perfect campsite.

New mobile-friendly online features will help address these frustrations and make it easier than ever to visit for the day or arrange an overnight stay.

Many of the more than 9 million visits to state parks each year are just for the day, and now day-trippers can purchase a new “Save the Day” pass to reserve their day entry. While not required, this day pass can offer visitors peace of mind knowing they’ll be able to get in to the most popular parks at the most popular times. Overnight visitors can take advantage of the new “Pick Your Site” feature to reserve specific campsites in advance. No more worrying about arriving too late to find the perfect site, or sites together if you are traveling with a group. View photos and details of campsites, cabins and shelters online before making your reservation.

While you’re online, pick up the Texas state parks annual pass and get a year of unlimited entry for yourself and everyone in your car.

These new features will make planning and visiting your state parks easier in time for spring and summer getaways. Visit texasstateparks.org/reservations. Need some inside suggestions for the best campsites? Check out our feature Prime State Park Campsites in the April 2017 issue, in our mobile app or online.



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