Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  



Challenge Complete!

Congratulations to our first category completionists in the Great Outdoor Scavenger Hunt! Denise, Cooper and Caleb Valuk of San Antonio have completed every challenge in the On the Edge category, making them our first Edgy Experts!

Have you started playing GOSH yet? The Great Outdoor Scavenger Hunt began in our May issue and ends on Labor Day. Hit the road with friends or family and tag your selfie with #GOSHTX to play at our targeted destinations.

Get started today by downloading the Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine app for iOS or Android. It’s free to download and free to play.

And, if you have an iPhone, we’ve got another free surprise for you: our GOSH iMessage summer sticker pack. If you loved our Texas Birds sticker pack (a free Christmas gift to readers), you’ll love this new collection that features destinations and themes from our summer scavenger hunt. Buffalo Soldiers, armadillos, bats, bluebonnets, historical sites and more will liven up your texts to friends and family as you share your GOSH adventures.



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Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine 
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