Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  


Oct 2011 cover image hunting

Bass Blast

The Toyota Texas Bass Classic is much more than just a fishing tournament.

By Louie Bond

If you love bass fishing in Texas lakes and listening to great Texas music, mark your calendar for the last weekend in October (Oct. 28–30). The Toyota Texas Bass Classic is pulling out all the stops for its fifth annual event, held for the third time at Lake Conroe.

It’s hard to believe that the Toyota Texas Bass Classic has been luring anglers for only four years now — it has already become the highlight of the Texas season for bass enthusiasts. After the success of the first two years at Lake Fork, the Bass Classic moved south to Conroe, utilizing the Lone Star Convention and Expo Center for the festivities. Fifty of the nation’s top anglers will compete for three days to claim the championship.

Think the event is only for pro anglers? Think again. While waiting for the weigh-in for the top pro anglers, head over to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Outdoor Adventures area. The TPWD area has games and activities for every member of the family, from fishing lessons and archery to marine art and wildlife etiquette. Experts from TPWD will answer your questions about family camping, car camping, outdoor safety, backpacking, tents and other equipment. Don’t forget to check out the Texas Outdoor Family demonstration area.

The TTBC also hosts a fishing industry expo featuring seminars and the latest in fishing equipment, gear and accessories.

As daytime activities wind down, there’s plenty of great music to fill the evening. Headliners include Billy Currington (Friday, Oct. 28), Pat Green (Saturday, Oct. 29) and Robert Earl Keen (Sunday, Oct. 30). The concerts are free for all ticket holders.

Can’t wait for the big tournament? Need a quick $100,000? The TTBC is introducing the first-ever ShareLunker Club Tournament open to all. After registering to become a member of the tournament, fish Lake Conroe Oct. 1–21 to compete. The member who catches the biggest largemouth bass over 13 pounds (ShareLunker) will win $100,000.

Free advance tickets are available for Friday, Saturday and Sunday individually. Walk-up tickets the day of the event will require a donation to TPWD. All days are subject to sell out.

The Toyota Texas Bass Classic helps fund TPWD programs that encourage youth and nontraditional users to take active roles in fishing and conservation of freshwater resources. For more information, check out the TTBC website at www.toyotatexasbassclassic.com or call 866-907-0143.


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