" / > " / > Where in Texas|December 2020| TPW magazine
Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  



The comet Neowise blazed across our skies this summer, giving us a celestial show to enjoy. The granite boulders at this Central Texas state natural area provided a dramatic frame for it. These boulders are a particularly relevant place for celestial viewing because of their name (bonus points if you know it). If you missed the comet, it’ll be back in 6,800 years or so.

If you recognize this park, send us a note at Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744 (write “Where in Texas?” on the envelope); email us at magazine@tpwd.texas.gov; or let us know on Facebook. We’ll reveal the answer in a future issue.

Photo by Chase Fountain
TOOLS: Nikon D5 camera with 24-70mm f/2.8 lens, f/2.8 @20 seconds, ISO 3200.



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