Texas wildlife
Texans share their state with a great diversity of animals, from tiny insects to large mammals. On our wildlife page, you can find wildlife magazine articles, wildlife videos and other wildlife resources.

From Our Pages: Wildlife Articles
Like a Moth to a Flame
Caterpillars can be pesky, but their transformations into moths are worth the trouble.
The Butterfly Effect
UT biologist Camille Parmesan connects climate to wildlife.
Black Market Wildlife
Texas game wardens protect the state's wildlife from illegal trade.
Wait Before 'Rescuing'
Many baby animals don't need your help.
Wind and Wildlife
Texas is the No. 1 wind energy state, but what’s the effect on bats and birds?
Bat Killer
White-nose syndrome may cause 'the most precipitous wildlife collapse of the past century.'
Oyster Coast
Threats to our favorite bivalve result in conservation efforts on the half-shell.
The Comeback Kid
Once plentiful pocket pets, ‘horny toads’ are being reared in zoos to release in the wild.
Legacy: Dog Town
The world’s largest prairie dog colony once covered a large swath of Texas.
How Did the Wildlife Cross the Road?
Biologists study road ecology to reduce harmful effects of highways on animals.
Legacy: Invasion of the Body Snatchers
'Zombie' parasites are the stuff of Halloween nightmares.
Saving Species Sooner
The Recovering America's Wildlife Act could help protect Texas species in peril.
Swimming With Sharks
Scientists track ocean predators.
Roar of the Lionfish
Battling an invasive species.
Legacy: Tony's Ark
Tony Amos rehabilitated Texas' coastal creatures.
On the Wings of Pollinators
TPWD guidelines help you fill your yard with butterflies, birds and bees.
Wild in the 'Hood
Coexisting with North America's most resilient predator, the coyote. read more
Cat Crossing
Underpasses are built for ocelots in the Valley. read more
The Right Track
The ancient art of tracking helps you follow your wildlife dreams. read more
New in Town
Texas’ landscape features an ever-evolving roster of species. read more
Wildlife in Focus
In photo contest, nature's the star. read more
Minding the Hive
Concerns continue over honeybee demise. read more
The Big Stink
Researchers delve into the marvelous, malodorous world of Texas skunks. read more
Venom Quest
Secrets of the Serpentarium: Texas A&M-Kingsville lab explores beneficial uses of snake venom. read more
Maiden of the Monarchs
Discoverer of butterfly wintering site breaks decades of silence to tell her story. read more
Can We Bring Quail Back?
Preliminary results from focus areas show growth in bobwhite populations. read more
Legend, Lore & Legacy: Avian Mailmen
Carrier pigeons still bring messages on the wing. read more
Butterfly Banquet
Texas becomes a key player in a three-nation effort to help critical pollinators survive. read more
Death of the Sea Wolf
The now-extinct Caribbean monk seal used to visit the Texas coast. read more
Three Nations, One Gulf
United States, Mexico and Cuba collaborate on marine life issues. read more
Venomous Vipers
Snakes can by frightening, but only a handful are dangerous in Texas. read more
Whooo Do You Love?
The wonders of watching a screech-owl family in an urban backyard. read more
Nature Without Borders
Protecting and managing wildlife and habitat in the Big Bend. read more
Bat Mania
Pest-eating fliers face an uncertain future. read more
Legend, Lore & Legacy: Dia de las Mariposas
Historic 1921 flood brought subsequent butterfly deluge. read more
Good News for Bats
No evidence of deadly white-nose syndrome found in Texas. read more
Fearsome, Fascinating, Fluorescent
Taking the sting out of Texas’ much-maligned scorpions. read more
New Sea Turtle Challenges
After years of improving numbers, Kemp’s ridleys are on the decline again. read more
Butterfly on the Brink?
Monarch monitoring show their migration's in trouble. read more
On the Bobcat Trail
Researchers are studying wildcats in the Fort Worth area. read more
The Roar of the Lionfish
Can we eat our way out of the latest invasive problem? read more
Log a Frog, Share a Snake
Citizen scientists play a role in conservation by reporting wildlife sightings. read more
Wildlife Warriors
Texans "raise the barn" together to protect native animals. read more
Last Stand of the Red Wolf
America’s "other wolf" was reintroduced to the wild after a last-ditch roundup in Texas. read more
creature feature: a look at Texas animal species
Prairie massasauga
Brazos water snake
Black bear
Kern's flower scarab
Texas blind snake
Magnolia green jumping spider
Giant cicada
Moon jellyfish
Giant walking stick
Mountain lion
Eastern cottontail
Snout butterfly
Southern flannel moth
Giant darner dragonfly
Luna moth
Jerusalem cricket
Black-spotted newt
American burying beetle
Reticulate collared lizard
Big Bend mud turtle
Swift fox and kit fox
Texas kangaroo rat
Tarantula-hawk wasp
Texas tortoise
Pecos River muskrat
Texas indigo snake
Wolf snail
Lightning whelk
Giant redheaded centipede
Skeleton shrimp
Houston toad
Yellow jacket
River otter
Fox squirrel and gray squirrel
See more animal profiles at the TPWD Wildlife Fact Sheets page
Wildlife on TPWD video
Running With the Bison at Caprock Canyons
Get up close and personal with the official Texas State Bison Herd.
Bighorn Sheep Restoration
Desert bighorns are reintroduced into Big Bend Ranch State Park.
Ocelot Survival
The ocelot is a beautiful but endangered wild cat. In South Texas, these cats are fighting for survival, and researchers are trying to help.
Pronghorn CSI
Pronghorn antelope populations have experienced a sharp decline in the Big Bend region, and scientists aren't sure why.