Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  




Celebrate the Monarch’s Journey

Guadalupe River State Park honors migrating butterflies and pollinators
at annual Fiesta.

Located between the breeding grounds in the north and the overwintering areas in Mexico, Texas plays an important role in monarch migration. The beloved orange-and-black butterflies funnel through Texas both in the spring and the fall on their multigenerational journey.

Early each March, monarchs begin arriving from Mexico and look for emerging milkweeds, where they lay eggs before dying. Their offspring continue heading north, the first of several new generations of monarchs that repopulate the eastern half of the United States and southern Canada.

To commemorate this amazing feat, bring the family to celebrate these butterflies and all pollinators (think bats and bees and hummingbirds) at the Monarch and Friends Pollinator Fiesta at Guadalupe River State Park on March 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Family fun all day includes crafts, activities and speakers.

This free event (with park entrance fee) is brought to you by the Friends of Guadalupe River State Park/Honey Creek State Natural Area with Texas Children in Nature.

NOTE: Everyone, including annual passholders, should “save the date” online up to 30 days in advance. Use a credit card or park pass here.

 TPWD Staff  Wingman59 | Dreamstime.com

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