Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine   

Accessibility Policy

Accessibility and Usability Features

As part of that commitment, we are continually working to make all our Web pages more accessible. The following are some of the accessibility and usability features we are implementing:

  1. Links to navigation and main page content for easier non-visual browsing - more information on these links is available;
  2. Text and Textual Equivalents;
  3. Documents not tied to hardware;
  4. Hypertext links that make sense when read out of context;
  5. Consistent use of headings, lists and Web site structure, including CSS to control the Web site's style and, in some cases, to control layout;
  6. Summarizing material or using the attribute for content that may be difficult to access;
  7. Providing alternatives in cases where content produced by scripts, applets or plug-ins may not be accessible or supported;
  8. Avoiding the use of frames; and,
  9. Summarizing table content and creating tables that allow for line-by-line reading.

The TPW magazine site is gradually incorporating links that allow non-visual browsers to skip to Local Navigation and Main Content on TPW magazine Web pages. Links that skip to Local Navigation, if present, direct users to links that relate to information on that page. Not all TPW magazine site Web pages contain local navigation. Links that skip to Main Content direct users to the main content of a Web page.

Contact Us

If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on our web sites interferes with your ability to access the information, please use the following point of contact for assistance: magazine@tpwd.state.tx.us

To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate:

  1. the nature of your accessibility problem;
  2. the preferred format in which you wish to receive the material;
  3. the Web address of the requested material; and,
  4. your contact information.

Reasonable Accommodations

The Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or in the provision of services. Any request for reasonable accommodation needed for accessing information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine Web site will be addressed.

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Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine 
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