Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  


2007 Great Texas Birding Calendar

A whole year's worth of birding fun.

By Shelly Scroggs Plante

Year-round events

  • Available Daily
    King Ranch Nature Tours — King Ranch, Kingsville. Guided birdwatching and nature-related tours on the famous King Ranch. Focus of tours, length and cost will vary. (361-592-8055, www.king-ranch.com)

  • Available Daily
    Pontoon Boat Eagle Tours — Lake Conroe. Boat tours to observe bald eagles, waterfowl, kingfishers, wading birds and many others. $40 per person. (936-851-0114, www.christmascreek.com)

  • Second Saturday of Each Month
    Beginner’s Bird Walk — Judson Nature Trails, Alamo Heights. Binoculars are provided. All are welcome. 8 a.m. each month except June, July and August, when groups meet at 7:30 a.m. Free. (210-342-2073, www.saaudubon.org)

  • Third Saturday of Each Month
    Monthly Bird Walk — Lake Houston Park, New Caney. Guided bird walk for ages 13 and up. Bird enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome. 8 a.m. Free with $3 park admission. (281-354-6881)

  • Third Saturday of Each Month
    Passerine Bird Banding — Gulf Coast Bird Observatory Headquarters and Sanctuary, Lake Jackson. Usually held the third Saturday of every month, the bird banding station is open to the public for observation. 8 a.m.–12 noon. Free. (979-480-0999, www.gcbo.org)

For a full year's worth of birding events from April 2007 to April 2008, pick up a copy of the May 2007 issue of Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine, or download a printer friendly version in PDF format.

Also visit the Texas Parks & Wildlife Birds, Bats & More Event Calendar for information on additional wildlife watching events.

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