Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  


Drama of the Landscape

By Wyman Meinzer


“The forces of nature and their impact on the Texas landscape and sky combine to offer an element of drama that would whet the imagination of artists from any medium.”

A winter fog rises from a Panhandle pond along the Canadian River north of Pampa.

A winter fog rises from a Panhandle pond along the Canadian River north of Pampa.

A winter snow catches the first light of the day at the rim of Palo Duro Canyon.

A winter snow catches the first light of the day at the rim of Palo Duro Canyon.

A tumbleweed finds respite in the clutches of a mesquite shrub during a winter squall in Dickens County.

A tumbleweed finds respite in the clutches of a mesquite shrub during a winter squall in Dickens County.

The Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River churns over a road crossing in Palo Duro Canyon.

The Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River churns over a road crossing in Palo Duro Canyon.

A morning fog shrouds the waters of the Llano River near Junction.

A morning fog shrouds the waters of the Llano River near Junction.

Stately bald cypress trees line the course of the Sabinal River near Utopia.

Stately bald cypress trees line the course of the Sabinal River near Utopia.

A male northern cardinal finds a moment of rest after a winter storm.

A male northern cardinal finds a moment of rest after a winter storm.

Lightning arcs across the sky during a summer storm in Knox County.

Lightning arcs across the sky during a summer storm in Knox County.

A winter squall line sweeps the badlands of northern Texas.

A winter squall line sweeps the badlands of northern Texas.

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