Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  


From Sea to Shore

By Lance Varnell


“Subtle or dramatic, the forces of nature surround us every day. The camera serves as an extension for the curious eye.”

A midday storm rolls down Bolivar Peninsula in Galveston County.

A midday storm rolls down Bolivar Peninsula in Galveston County.

Lush vegetation lines the banks of Tanner Bayou in Liberty County.

Lush vegetation lines the banks of Tanner Bayou in Liberty County.

A sunset colors the sky over a Bieri Lakes fishing camp in Brazoria County.

A sunset colors the sky over a Bieri Lakes fishing camp in Brazoria County.

A new day dawns as the sunrise peeks through the clouds over the Gulf of Mexico.

A new day dawns as the sunrise peeks through the clouds over the Gulf of Mexico.

Geese take flight at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge in Southeast Texas.

A gull strolls along the shore at Padre Island National Seashore.

A gull strolls along the shore at Padre Island National Seashore.

Geese take flight at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge in Southeast Texas.

A fire burns through the landscape at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.

A fire burns through the landscape at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.

Sand takes on unusual shapes at Padre Island National Seashore.

Sand takes on unusual shapes at Padre Island National Seashore.

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