Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  


January cover image

Wildlife in Focus

In photo contest, nature’s the star.

Nature never goes out of style. By recording a special moment or beautiful scene, photography allows us to slow down and savor nature from new perspectives. It's a real treat to witness the beauty and wonder of our world through the eyes of a talented wildlife photographer. The nonprofit group Wildlife in Focus sponsors a biennial photo contest with the goal of protecting native wildlife and native habitats in South Texas by encouraging cooperation between private landowners and wildlife photographers. The photo contest shows in compelling ways the animals, plants and landscapes worth preserving. Landowners and photographers are paired up for the contest; they compete as teams and share the prize money. The group's latest book, Wildlife in Focus VIII, featuring the photographers shown here, was released in fall 2016. We're excited and pleased to share a selection of the contest winners with you.


Water/Wetlands - Robert Rommel
Sick Dog Ranch
Mitchell & Dianne Dale, Michael Dale
Jim Wells County


Landscapes - Kate Meadows
Lonesome Coyote Ranch
Bob & Harriet Parker, Amanda & Jerry Gray
McMullen County


Sparrows & Towhees - Hector Astorga
Black-throated sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata)
Santa Clara Ranch
Beto & Clare Gutierrez
Starr County


Raccoons, Coati, Ringtails & Mustelids - David McCool & Roy Tiemeyer
Common raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Fennessey Ranch
Brien O'Connor Dunn
Refugio County


Wildcats - Charlie Spiekerman
Bobcat (Lynx rufus)
Nueces Delta Preserve
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program
San Patricio/Nueces counties


All Other Insects - Robert Rommel
Hoverflies or flower flies (Family Syrphidae)
Sick Dog Ranch
Mitchell & Dianne Dale,
Michael Dale
Jim Wells County


All Other Reptiles & Amphibians - Stephen Fisher
American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Texas Photo Ranch
River Revocable Surface LLC, River Testamentary Surface LLC
Refugio County

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