Dear Grackle,
I just released my first album and the critics tore it apart. I'm feeling discouraged and not sure I want to keep making music. You've always been known for making some out-there sounds — what advice do you have for a fellow unconventional artist?
Noise Rock Nobody
Dear Noise,
I'm no stranger to critics, believe me! Biolotists have said my calls sound like a “rusty gate hinge” and “machinery badly in need of lubrication.” One even said I'm “best heard at a distance” If you can believe that. Do I let those negative comments stop me? No way — in fact, they fuel me! these people just can't appreciate our genius. Call it what you will — experimental, avant-garde, etc. — But they'll remember us for our creativity long after we're gone. Can I get a [croaks, squeaks and whistles]?!
Have a question for the grackle? Email us at and we will pass it along to our avian adviser. The grackle's opinions are its own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.