" / > " / > Where in Texas|December 2020| TPW magazine
Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  



It’s a lake, but it’s not exactly what most Texans think of when they think about lakes. Bald cypress trees, many draped with Span­ish moss, tower over the maze of bayous, sloughs and ponds here, home to more than 50 miles of canoe and kayak trails. It’s a place of primeval beauty and rich biodiversity, making it one of the state’s greatest treasures.

Photo by Jason Stitt
TOOLS: Sony ILCE-7RM2 camera with FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS lens, f/4.0 @ 1/400 second, ISO 2000.

Our photo feature allows you to test your ability to identify Texas landscapes. See if YOU can become one of our "Texperts" by knowing five or more of our locations.

If you recognize this site, send us a note at Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744 (write “Where in Texas?” on the envelope); email us at magazine@tpwd.texas.gov; or let us know on Facebook. We’ll reveal the answer in a future issue.

January | February Where in Texas?

March Where in Texas?

April Where in Texas?

May Where in Texas?



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