Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine  


 Chase Fountain | TPWD

Stay Safe in Deer Camp

Because of COVID, it’s more important than ever for hunters to practice social distancing as they head out to the fields this hunting season.

“I want my friends to keep me in mind by wearing a mask, using sanitizers and washing up around hunting camp, especially in the blinds and the cabin,” says avid “senior” hunter Harris Greenwood, who lives near Hye and has been thinking about best safety practices in the field and at the camp.

  • Practice “responsible recreation” before, during and after your hunt.
  • Consider a COVID “waiver of liability” as part of lease agreements this hunting season.
  • Consider the health and age of other hunters and landowners.
  • Take your temperature and check your overall health before departing on your hunt.
  • It is easy to practice social distancing at the hunting camp, but don’t let your guard down.

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